Friday 1 July 2016

Prelim reflection questions

1. What did you find most challenging about recreating your chosen video and why? (remember to think about storyboarding, props, actors, filming, editing, finance)- I find the most challenging thing was our actor as he felt uncomfortable to act similar to David Bowie so it was quite hard to recreate it to look exact to the real video. Another thing that was challenging was editing the video as I had never used the software before so I didn't know which tools did what so I feel like this could effect the quality of our video.

2. What problems did you face whilst filming? (consider the logistics, could you get everyone together to film, did you have rehearsal time, were you able to frame your shots effectively, could you convincingly play/mime?)- The problems that we faced were that we didn't have time to rehearse before filming so we were unprepared. The shots we films weren't quite the same as the real video and our actor couldn't really lip sync very well so it make the video a little bit out of time.

3. How did you overcome these problems? (did you alter shots/props, solve lighting issues etc?) - To overcome these problems we filmed parts of it again to try and get the same shots as the real video. We also added more lighting when we filmed parts again because it looked too dark the first time.

4. Which problems could you not overcome? (were some instruments harder than others to source, could you recreate the look of an artist, could you dress the set, were some shots impossible to emulate?)- The problems that we couldn't over come were the look of the artist because our actor didn't want to wear makeup so he didn't really look like David Bowie except for the shirt that he wore.

5. What next steps are you going to take? (learn how to: film/edit/light/perform/makeup etc) - The next steps I am going to take is to learn how to edit properly by practising using the software. I will also learn how to style the actor like the artist we are trying to recreate.

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